Your Contribution Will Save A Life
Each and every day, countless first responders answer the call for help, oftentimes enduring wounds that time cannot seem to heal. Throughout one's career as a first responder, repeated exposure to trauma is likely. Left unchecked, the results can be damaging and even deadly. Year after year, more first responders die by their own hand than line of duty deaths. Survive First is determined to change that statistic.
It is the mission of Survive First to increase resiliency and reduce first responder suicide through quality education, peer support, and mental health and wellness resources, while fostering a greater sense of community amongst our first responders and their supporters.
Survive First relies on the contributions of our generous supports to carry out our mission. Contributions are tax deductible and reach far and wide in our mission to save lives. Together we make a difference. Together we save lives.
On behalf of our Board of Directors and staff at Survive First, thank you for your contribution.